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This interview is mainly focused on personal information and some questions like for example [Willingness to work in shifting schedules, Work on site, Work on holidays, Plan on getting back to school and expected salary]. International account 17,000 - 24,000

Consist of S.V.A.R Examination and Moodle Assessment.

S.V.A.R Examination - Powered by machine learning (AI) and speech recognition technology - SVAR is an accurate and standardized evaluation of spoken English skills. It rates the candidate's spoken English on pronunciation, fluency, listening, vocabulary and grammar. SVAR mimics human raters accurately to perfection.

 There are 6 categories for this examination;        

A. Reading and Speaking [You'll be instructed to read sentences and avoid dead airs, fillers.]          

B. Listen and Repeat [You will hear a short sentence which you have to listen carefully because you will only hear it once and then you have to repeat it.]          

C. Free Speech [On this one you have to retail on the topic provided to you and you'll be given 30 seconds to organize your thoughts and then you need to verbalize your thoughts for the next 45 seconds.]          

D. Answering a simple question [On this section you will hear a short conversation and followed by a set of questions based on it.]          

E. Vocabulary [This test will focus on your vocabulary which is the all the language and words either used or understood by a person or group of people.]      

F. Error Identification [This test will give you 4 sentences and you will choose the right answer grammatically.]

Moodle Assessment -
Moodle offers many different styles of assessment, from quizzes to peer assessment to video assignments.

There are 5 categories for this assessment;

First assessment instructions -          
This assessment is audio based. Please listen to the recording carefully while encoding the customer details on the box provided. Please follow the format indicated.Please follow the format indicated.  
You can only take this assessment once. Click the "Finish Attempt" button once done with the assessment.

Second assessment instructions -
This is a 20-item multiple choice assessment. You'll have to listen to an audio recording prior to answering the questions.            
You can only take this assessment once. Choose the best answer from the options provided.  Click the "Finish Attempt" button once done with the assessment.

Third Assessment instructions -  
This is a 20-item multiple choice assessment regarding computer software, hardware, smartphone, and basic computer navigation.  Choose the best answer from the options provided.            
You can only take this assessment once.  Click the "Finish Attempt" button once done with the assessment. ;

Fourth Assessment instructions -  
This is a typing test for 1 minute

Fifth Assessment instructions -  
Logic and analytical examination          
Composed of 10 questions and you can choose from multiple choices

All in all, the final round interview is about balance: your strengths and weaknesses, asking and answering questions, and personality and professionalism. Practice and preparation help immensely, but striking the right balance will also rely on being able to read the situations as they come.

Possible question that you might be asked is what are the most important metrics for you and kindly elaborate or explain at least one and the importance of it          
Ex. Attendance, AHT [Average Handling Time], CSAT [Customer Satisfaction Survey] and Quality Scorecard

Thank you and good luck!

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